Building A Grant Strategy That Raises $2M In One Year

Transform your grant efforts just like these nonprofits. Start your 14-day free trial today!

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How NYU Langone Wastes No Time Finding Only The Best-Fit Funders For Their Research

"I am a huge advocate of Instrumentl. I can remember when I did this at the beginning of my career, printing out the grantee lists from the 990s and going through with a highlighter. Out of 100 grants, there were only two that were viable. Now It’s all in Instrumentl. So that's been really fantastic."

How Habitat for Humanity Uncovered More Funding to Support Affordable Housing

“With Instrumentl, there isn’t any wasted time. They identify the funder, link you to their website, show projected deadlines, provide information about communities where they work—before, we could have wasted time on a potential funder without that information.”

How the Lutheran Braille Workers Scaled Their Yearly Grant Submissions by 150%

“We were maybe [submitting] three to six [grant applications] per year. Now, we're doing two per month…just by having Instrumentl as opposed to spreadsheets.”

How Eversight Used Instrumentl to Manage Grants More Strategically

“I really feel strongly that [Instrumentl] has increased my efficiency. It's no longer, ‘Let’s just fill out 10 grant applications and hope we get a response.’ Now, I almost always get a response. Our success rate has gone from 14% to 22%; that’s a significant jump.’”

Burrows Consulting Tried All the Grant Platforms. Here’s Why They Kept Coming Back to Instrumentl

“We can [open Instrumentl], pull up their 990 easily, click-click, and it's done—that saves a lot of time for my team. You start adding up all that 15 to 30 minutes of search time [saved]...that's money for my clients.”

How Goldring/Woldenberg Institute ​of Southern Jewish Life Uses Instrumentl as a Single Source of Truth

“I love the fact that Instrumentl is like a one-stop shop where I can research and track grants all in one place. I feel like 90% of my work is concentrated in one platform and this has been a huge help for me.”

How Dr. Bev Browning Secured More Than $3M in Grants Thanks to Instrumentl

“I started using Instrumentl and thought - oh my gosh, this is a miracle! This is going to save me weeks! It just does everything for me. I insert the keywords, set up a project, and it magically shows me the most relevant funding matches.”

How Nonprofit Navigators Uses Instrumentl to Centralize Their Grant Work

“Previously, we relied on separate Excel spreadsheets to manage our grant schedules and to keep a status report of all the grants that we have applied for, were received, or denied. Now with Instrumentl, we do all of that in one place.”

How Phoenix Children’s Foundation Saves 3 Hours Per Week on Grant Prospecting

“What I really like about Instrumentl as an all-year round platform is that we can track on a year-on-year basis, we got history in there, we got documents in there. It just makes everything easier.”

How Tucker’s House Saved 15 Hours a Week Using Instrumentl’s Grant Tracker

“I brag about Instrumentl all the time. Before, I was searching in the dark—and we've had a couple of other databases that we had joined, and got memberships for, but they're so random and very limited. With Instrumentl, I’ve never missed a single deadline.”

How Dawn Moeglin Won $190K+ and Perfected Her Grants System for 10+ Clients

“Instrumentl has been like an elusive purple unicorn that I was looking for when I started my business. It makes me look like a rock star. I’m dealing with a lot of organizations with smaller budgets that have not had a lot of grant success, and now we are seeing a tremendous return on investment.”

How This Nonprofit Managed to Save 83% of Their Time With Instrumentl

“I tried other grant tools, but there wasn’t really anything that kept me going. With Instrumentl, I’m able to take a deeper dive into the data. That makes a huge difference for us as an organization and makes my work much easier.”

How Victoria Flynn, a Nonprofit Consultant, Cut Down Research Time by 50% With Instrumentl

“I get to say ‘yes’ to new clients because I can fit a good amount of research into a smaller amount of time, deliver quickly, and get some really targeted results with Instrumentl.”

How Pro-Choice North Carolina Realized 92% in Time Savings Using Instrumentl

“I started getting all these emails—you have new matches, you have new matches… So I go into Instrumentl and I’m thinking to myself: holy cow. After an hour or so of looking at those foundations, I go to my ED’s office and I say—I want to buy this. I want to have this.”

How Cy-Hope Secured 30% More Funding and Used Instrumentl to Track Grants More Efficiently

"Winning 30% more grants thanks to Instrumentl was a huge morale boost. Seeing how many funding opportunities are out there gave our Executive Director and our development team the confidence to hire me as a full-time grant writer. By using Instrumentl, this confidence continues to grow."

How Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan Raised $1M Through Instrumentl in Under 12 months

"I love the ability to track everything in Instrumentl. Take deadlines for reports and email reminders I get, for example. I don’t have to wake up in the middle of the night and think—oh my gosh, did I miss it?"

How the Salesian Sisters of Tampa, Inc. Raised $129K Through Instrumentl

“I started looking at Instrumentl and thought—wow, this is the answer to my prayers! Now that I look back, I just think about how much Instrumentl fundamentally changed the way we work, especially in terms of finding foundations that really fit us.”

How the Wassmuth Center for Human Rights Raised $525K Through Instrumentl

“The thing that initially attracted me to Instrumentl is mining that field of possibilities. Instead of wasting time on preliminary research, I can focus on the actual grant writing. What a tremendous trade-off! I would much rather have time to write the grant proposal than to search for it."
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Instrumentl is a leader in Grant Management on G2 Instrumentl is a leader in Grant Management on G2 Instrumentl is a leader in Grant Management on G2 Instrumentl is a leader in Grant Management on G2

2,000+ nonprofits trust Instrumentl to:

Discover funders and grants

Count on our matching algorithm to curate good fit active grant opportunities for your nonprofit’s specific projects.

Research and identify good fit funders

Quickly access eligibility criteria, 990 reports, past grantees, grant amounts and more all in the same place.

Track and manage grant opportunities

Stay on top of all your grant deadlines; no more Excel spreadsheets or clunky custom CRMs needed for grant management.

Measure and report grant outcomes

Create custom reports to highlight your grant pipeline and funding accomplishments with your Executive Director or board in seconds.

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Our customers say we’re the only grant tool you’ll need. We agree.

See how nonprofits and development teams of all sizes have improved their grant prospecting, tracking and management with Instrumentl.

Our customers often realize 92% in time savings using Instrumentl. Try it today.

Apply to 1.5X more grants by working smarter, not harder.
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