How to Track Payments from Funders After You Win the Grant


Amelie Heurteux


Customer Success Manager at Instrumentl

Reviewed by:


April 16, 2024

Juggling dozens of grant payments can feel like trying to keep track of every drop of rain in a rainstorm—until now.

For nonprofit grant professionals, managing grant payments is a complex endeavor, involving multiple funders, varying payment schedules, and meticulous record-keeping. However, with the advent of innovative tools like Instrumentl, the process has become significantly more manageable.

Instrumentl offers a streamlined solution for tracking payments from grants, providing grant professionals with the tools they need to stay organized and efficient in managing their funding streams.

Let’s explore how Instrumentl simplifies the task of tracking payments, empowering grant professionals to focus more on their mission-driven work and less on administrative headaches.

Step-by-Step Guide To Setting Up Payment Tracking

Effective tracking of grant payments is crucial for nonprofit organizations to:

  • Maintain financial transparency
  • Ensure compliance with funder requirements
  • Optimize resource allocation

As a grant professional myself, I know this is no easy task; I can relate to the ongoing challenge of tracking payments from multiple different funders. It can be overwhelming—which is why a good tracking system is so critical.

Without an effective system in place to track grant payments, you risk overspending, misallocating funds, and falling out of compliance with your funder. All of these things can result in a loss of future grant funding, which is a serious problem for your nonprofit.

This is where Instrumentl comes in!

With Instrumentl’s Payments Tracking feature, grant professionals can efficiently visualize and monitor the inflow of funds for awarded grants, regardless of their payment structures.

Whether payments arrive in multiple installments, reimbursements, or lump sums, this feature provides a reliable system for managing grant finances with ease.


In the following step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through how to set up and utilize the Payments Tracking feature in Instrumentl, empowering you to simplify the process of tracking grant awards for your organization’s success.

1. Getting Started With Payments Tracking

Getting started with the Payments Tracking tool is super easy!

It’s incredibly simple to use and lays out all the critical information you need in one screen. Check out what it looks like in the screenshot below.

Under the Payments tab for each awarded grant opportunity, you’ll see fields such as Date Expected, Date Received, Amount, and Details. You’ll also be able to see a running total of the amount that you have received versus the amount you expect to receive.


Once you’ve been awarded a grant and you’ve updated its status in Instrumentl, you will then be able to begin entering these payment details.

You simply click into the awarded grant on your Awards tab to get started.


2. Entering Payment Details for Each Grant

Once you are in the grant award, click on the Financials tab.


This will take you to the page where you can begin tracking your incoming grant payments. Click on the “+ Add Payment” button to get started.


From there, you can add in the Date Expected, Date Received, and Amount for each expected payment.


When you add a date into the Date Received field, the TOTAL amount at the bottom will update, showing you how much of the grant you have received versus how much you expected.


3. Monitoring Upcoming and Past Payments

Instrumentl’s Payment Tracker feature is a game-changer for grant professionals. It helps you stay on top of when you can expect payments from each funder, making financial planning a breeze.

As a grant professional, I’m sure you know that not keeping track of grant payments can lead to chaos. The stress of uncertain funding arrival times and unclear expenditure tracking can hinder program planning and implementation for nonprofits. Without clarity on funding timelines, you may struggle to meet programmatic needs, which can result in delays or disruptions to critical services.

With this tool, you can easily track incoming funds, ensuring a clear timeline of expected revenue streams. This will help you develop (and stick to) a budget and allocate your organization’s resources strategically, avoiding financial uncertainties and cash flow gaps.

And by carefully tracking your awards, you avoid overspending, which will help you advance your mission more effectively. Plus, it keeps things transparent, so you can keep stakeholders in the loop about your financial status and the impact of their donations. It also provides accountability, demonstrating that your organization is a responsible steward of funds.

The Payment Tracker feature is a lifesaver—it will keep your team organized, reduce stress, and make sure that your grant funds are tracked correctly.

4. Using Payment Tracking To Inform Financial Planning

Integrating payment tracking data into your broader financial planning efforts can significantly enhance your organization’s ability to forecast and budget effectively. Here are some practical strategies that will help you make the most of this feature:

  1. Create Detailed Budget Projections: Use payment tracking data to create detailed budget projections for upcoming months or quarters. By knowing when funds will arrive from each funder, you can accurately forecast your cash flow and allocate resources accordingly.‍
  2. Identify Cash Flow Gaps: Speaking of cash flow—you can also analyze your payment tracking data to identify potential cash flow gaps between incoming funds and outgoing expenses. This proactive approach allows you to anticipate financial challenges and explore solutions such as securing additional funding or adjusting your spending activity.
  3. ‍Prioritize Spending: Use the insights gained from payment tracking to prioritize spending on critical initiatives or projects with upcoming funding. By aligning your spending with expected incoming payments, you can ensure that you’re allocating resources where they’re needed most, which maximizes impact.
  4. ‍Communicate With Stakeholders: Share payment tracking data with key stakeholders, such as board members, finance committees, or program managers. Transparent communication about funding timelines and cash flow projections fosters trust and confidence, enabling informed decision-making at all levels of the organization. (More on this below!)

By integrating payment tracking data into your financial planning efforts, you can gain valuable insights that empower you to make informed decisions, mitigate financial risks, and ultimately, achieve greater impact with your grant-funded initiatives.

5. Communicating With Stakeholders

Effective communication regarding the financial status of awards is crucial for successful grant management. This includes keeping both internal and external stakeholders informed about payment schedules and milestone requirements.

Here’s how:

Internal Communication:

  • Ensure program teams understand payment schedules and milestone criteria.
  • Empower program managers to align activities with funding timelines and prioritize tasks accordingly.
  • Prevent budgetary surprises by providing clarity on when to expect funding.

External Communication:

  • Build trust and credibility with funders by keeping them updated on progress and fund utilization.
  • Demonstrate accountability and stewardship of resources through transparent communication.
  • Manage expectations and avoid misunderstandings by clearly outlining payment schedules and milestone conditions.

By fostering open dialogue and keeping stakeholders informed, organizations can enhance alignment, transparency, and accountability throughout the grant management process.

Instrumentl’s Awards Report can help you with these communication efforts.


With the Awards Report feature, you can easily create and share helpful reports with your stakeholders. This report will include a breakdown of the Payment Amount, Date Expected, Date Received, and Notes for each of your grants.


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Wrapping Up: Keep On Top of Your Grant Awards

Instrumentl’s Payment Tracking feature is an invaluable tool to help you manage grant payments efficiently and ensure your organization is financially healthy.

Here are some key takeaways that we want you to remember:

  • Efficient Financial Planning: Tracking payments allows for accurate forecasting and budgeting, helping organizations allocate resources effectively and prevent cash flow issues.
  • Transparency & Accountability: By keeping stakeholders informed about payment schedules and milestones, organizations build trust, credibility, and stronger relationships with funders and other stakeholders.
  • Mitigating Risks: Proactive monitoring of payment timelines helps to identify potential cash flow gaps and allows you to adjust strategies accordingly, reducing the likelihood of budgetary surprises.

Incorporating payment tracking into your grant management process can streamline your operations and optimize resource allocation. So, why wait? Start taking advantage of Instrumentl’s Payment Tracking feature with a 14-day free trial today!

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Amelie Heurteux

Amelie Heurteux

Amelie Heurteux, a Customer Success Manager at Instrumentl, works day in and day out training nonprofits and grant writers how to efficiently prospect new funders and streamline their grant tracking and management processes.

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