Introducing Instrumentl’s Spring 2023 Release



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June 1, 2023

We are excited to share with you all the new updates on Instrumentl. Many of the new features are thanks to you continuing to share what you want to see out of Instrumentl. We appreciate you helping us guide our product roadmap!

The main focus of Instrumentl’s Spring 2023 Release centers around further improving grant and funder tracking and making it easier for you to stay organized with all your opportunities.

What’s New in Instrumentl

Instrumentl’s Spring 2023 release includes the following updates:

Additional fields for tracking grants: Store more data in Instrumentl in a structured format thanks to new fields and centralize all your grant work.

Improved grant & funder tracking: We added several new fields to the saved opportunity and the funder level (funder notes and contacts) to give you a new, more user-friendly design you’ll love.

Preset reports: You can now generate reports for opportunities, tasks, contacts, and funders in just a few clicks to keep everyone in the loop.

New filters for opportunity matches: Filter your Opportunity Matches based on Field of Work, Location of Project, Location of Residency, and the funder’s Giving History to zero in on the best-fit grants for your organization. 

Your Stats page (Beta): See how much time and money you’ve saved by using Instrumentl on Your Stats page.

Here’s our 6-minute video recapping these new features. Details on each feature are also provided below the video.

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1. Additional Fields for Tracking Grants

Available to customers on all plans

Have you ever wanted to store more relevant grant data in Instrumentl in a structured way to make your grant tracking simpler?

Well, now you can!

We’ve introduced additional fields you can access by clicking on your awarded funding opportunity.

Once you’ve done so, you can add funder portal login credentials, the start and end of the grant period when awarded, and centralize all relevant documents and resources related to the funder.

Why is this useful: Gain more control over your funder data with easier access to it, manage funder relationships more successfully, and track grants with higher precision by entering award dates and amounts.

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2. Improved Grant & Funder Tracking

Available to customers on all plans

Have you ever been confused about the difference between funding opportunities and saved opportunities? Maybe you reused the same record year after year, overwriting historical data.

A clearer overview of all the stored grant data solves this problem! All customers can now enjoy a new way of viewing saved grants in Instrumentl.

Whenever you open a saved grant, it will be displayed in the freshly redesigned funder view. All previously saved opportunities from the funder will be displayed on the left-hand navigation menu.

Why is this useful: This allows you to get a quick snapshot of your history with a funder and differentiate between funding opportunities and saved opportunities with ease. The redesign opens up additional space for the other fields.

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3. Preset Reports

Available to customers on all plans

Need to export weekly task reports to update your boss on your overall progress? Or maybe you want an easy way to discuss potential funders with your board?

Previously, you could only create reports at the opportunity level. We’re changing that with the release of Preset Reports! 

Now, you can generate reports for opportunities, tasks, contacts, and funders in just a few clicks.

Simply click on the “Download report” button in the upper right corner of your Instrumentl dashboard, and you’ll be able to choose which report you want to generate.

Reports contain clickable links with information that can still be accessed by people who are not on your Instrumentl account.

Why is this useful: Centralize all your reporting in Instrumentl and export reports you truly need. 

For example, having the ability to download funder contacts and understand their history of giving makes building relationships with them easier. You and your team will also feel more in sync with what grants your organization is working on that month.

4. New Filters for Opportunity Matches

Available to customers on all plans (with the exception of the Past Giving filter which is available on the Standard Plan and above)

Have you ever wanted more ways to filter your opportunity matches in Instrumentl? The ability to zero in on relevant potential funders can save you a lot of prospecting time.

Well, now you can use filters based on Field of Work, Location of Project, Location of Residency, and the funder’s Giving History!

You can set up your Filter Views any time you get to your matches. In your Opportunity Matches, you will see the updated filter dropdown menu:

  • Fields of Work: This filter allows you to identify grants that relate to the Fields of Work you selected in project set up. You can also select Exact Matches Only to filter in on grants that specifically have that Field of Work called out.
  • Location of Project: This filter allows you to check one of the offered locations and see funders that are focused on a specific county. Location of Project describes where the nonprofit’s project is taking place or its service areas.
  • Location of Residency: This filter allows you to weed out funders based on the location of residency, i.e. the place in which your organization or your client’s organization is based.
  • Funder's Giving History: This filter allows you to refine your search by past giving to organizations with your same location of project or with your same location of residency.

Why is this useful: These new filters allow you to hone in on a specific category you would want to see called out in your matches or filter by location of the project, residency, or funder’s past giving. 

By doing so, it’s easier than ever to go from hundreds of matches to the handful of best fits for you and your organization.

5. Your Stats (Beta)

Available to all customers

Ever wondered about how many grants you've marked awarded or hours you’ve saved using Instrumentl? How about the number of New Matches added to your Projects or Saved Grants to your Trackers?

With Your Stats (Beta), you can see all of these things in your Instrumentl account!

This insights report gives you an overview of the number of new matches, opportunities, and grants saved to your Trackers, in addition to the total awarded amount and hours saved.

For certain insights, we’ll also share personalized recommendations for what you can do to get even more value out of your Instrumentl account.

Why is this useful: These insights can tell you a lot about your grant activities and the value you’re getting from Instrumentl. With Your Stats, you can more easily celebrate your wins with others in your organization while also learning new ways to use Instrumentl. 

Instrumentl will continue improving - this is just the beginning!

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