Nonprofit Marketing Plan Templates


Why is this template useful?

A great nonprofit marketing plan template can help you better target specific audiences and increase engagement with potential supporters. In this article, you will be given 3 free nonprofit marketing plans to use, to better start reaching your new and existing audiences. This informative article is a good starting point instead of having to start from scratch.

Who is this template for?

This template is for all nonprofit organizations, specifically in Planning and/or Marketing.

What are the main sections covered in this template?

This template includes strategic questions you need to ask when coming up with a marketing plan for your nonprofit, a SMART goals framework, weekly plan, yearly goals, and more.

Are you a nonprofit looking for ways to reach more potential donors? 

A nonprofit marketing plan template can be an incredibly useful tool in creating and executing your marketing strategy. Developing a well-planned marketing campaign can help you better target specific audiences and increase engagement with potential supporters. 

In this article, we will provide an overview of what a nonprofit marketing plan should include, as well as tips and resources to help you create one that works for your organization. We’ll discuss identifying key objectives, developing strategies and tactics, measuring performance, and tracking progress toward achieving your goals. 

The Basics of a Nonprofit Marketing Plan

Nonprofit marketing plans are documents that outline the strategies and tactics to be used by an organization to promote its mission, raise awareness of its activities, and generate funds for achieving its goals. 

The plan should include budget considerations, target audiences, desired outcomes, key messages, and measurable objectives. It should also identify the various channels through which the organization will communicate with its stakeholders (including social media platforms) and set out specific actions to be taken to reach those goals. 

A successful nonprofit marketing plan requires extensive research into current trends and best practices to ensure optimal results. Investing time upfront in creating a comprehensive plan can have significant long-term returns for a nonprofit organization seeking to spread its message effectively.

Why Do Nonprofits Need Marketing Plans?

Like any business or organization, nonprofits need effective marketing strategies to reach their existing and potential supporters. 

Creating a well-thought-out marketing plan can help nonprofits:

  • Target their audience and build relationships with them
  • Increase visibility for their cause
  • Ultimately raise more money

A written marketing plan for nonprofits is essential because it helps keep everyone on the same page about:

  • Where the organization stands
  • The organizational goals
  • The actionable steps for completing these goals

Plus, these plans give board members the ability to review the progress of current initiatives and assess any changes that may be needed to remain successful.

Additionally, having a plan in writing can help nonprofits secure necessary funding from donors because it provides a clear path to their stated objectives.

By creating a high-quality marketing plan, nonprofits can make sure that their message is heard by the right people at the right time to advance their mission. 

How to Create a Marketing Plan for Nonprofit Organizations

Here are some basic steps on how to create an effective marketing plan for nonprofits:

1. Analyze Your Current Situation

It's essential to take stock of where you are currently to assess what needs to be done accurately. It's important to gather data about the following:

Organizational history

You should ask, "What have we done in the past that has been successful, and what has been unsuccessful?" Understanding successes and failures can provide insight into which direction to take.

Current relationships with stakeholders

Consider the question, "What relationships do we currently have with our stakeholders, and how can they be improved?" Stakeholders are key to organizational success.

Budget considerations

Thirdly, ask the question, "What budget considerations do we need to take into account when planning our strategy?" Again, ensuring that the organization is not overspending or under-allocating resources is important.

Ideally, there should also be a discussion with the organization's staff and board members to ensure everyone is on the same page. 

2. Identify Your Target Audiences

You can only effectively market your organization if you know who you're targeting. Therefore, leaders must identify distinct target audiences and strategize accordingly to reach them. 

Consider the profile of each target audience and how to best reach them. For example, how does their age, gender, location, etc. influence your marketing approach? 

It's important to remember that your target audiences will evolve over time, so it's essential to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and strategies in order to effectively reach them.

3. Set Clear Objectives with SMART Goals

What do you hope to accomplish with your marketing efforts? Make sure that these goals are measurable and achievable in your set time frame.

SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Using this framework will ensure that your goals are realistic and attainable.

For example, if your goal is to increase volunteer sign-ups for an upcoming event, you might set a measurable goal like “Increase the number of volunteers for the event by 60%.” You can then break that goal down into metrics and tasks that need to be completed in order to achieve it.

Once you have established your goals, you can start to develop a strategy. Make sure that each of your tactics is focused on achieving one or more of the SMART goals you have set. 

4. Choose Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators, also known as KPIs, are important metrics that help track progress and measure success. 

Identify what KPIs you will use to gauge the success of various campaigns and activities. These are indications that your strategy is or isn't working. If a campaign isn't meeting your KPIs, then you can make changes to see better results. 

When deciding on KPIs for your nonprofit marketing plan template, consider return on investment (ROI), website traffic and conversion rates, visitor engagement metrics (clicks and time on page) or donations.

5. Choose Your Channels of Communication

It's essential to determine which channels are best for communicating with your target audience, whether through social media, email campaigns, or events. 

The following are all excellent channels of communication to consider:

Email: Email campaigns are a great way to reach potential donors and keep them engaged. When crafting emails, be sure to include vivid language that captures your audience's attention and encourages donations.

Press Release: Writing and distributing a press release can be an effective way to bring attention to your cause. Press releases should include relevant information about the organization and event, as well as contact information for media inquiries.

Social Media: Social media is an effective platform for nonprofits to reach their target audiences quickly and easily. Post content regularly about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and other news about the organization.

Blog:  Having an up-to-date blog is a great way to keep your organization in the public eye. Blog posts should be informative, relevant, and interesting to capture the interest of potential donors. Plus, it is helpful in gaining SEO traction on your website.

Events: Events are an excellent way for nonprofits to gain visibility, attract new donors, and create relationships with stakeholders. Consider hosting fundraisers, informational seminars, or volunteer appreciation events to promote your organization.

Website: A strong and dynamic website is vital for any organization. Make sure that your website is easy to use and well laid-out. Your site should include a "Donate Now" button and information about the organization, events, and mission. Be sure that your website is optimized for mobile phones.

6. Create Strategies and Tactics

Once you've identified the channels you'll use to communicate with your target audiences, it's time to create strategies for how those channels will be implemented. 

For example, if you're using social media, you'll need to determine how often you'll post content and what type of content you'll post. You may also want to consider creating a hashtag or two that will help people find your organization on social media platforms.

You should also develop tactics that define how each strategy will be implemented. For example, if one of your strategies is to create a blog, your tactics might include writing posts once or twice a week and sharing those posts through social media channels. Then you'll need to determine who will be responsible for creating the blog content, etc.

7. Execute a Consistent Organizational Voice

Develop a brand voice that aligns with your organization's mission and values. This will ensure that your message to your target audiences is consistent, clear, and impactful. 

Determine how your organization speaks, writes, and responds to customers. Is it professional, casual, or somewhere in between? Will you use humor? How will you respond to negative comments? 

This can help inform the language used when developing content for a website. Additionally, be sure that all of your staff are on the same page with this organizational voice so that your brand remains consistent.

8. Set a Budget

It's important to set a realistic budget for your marketing efforts. Consider all potential costs, including time and resources required to execute the plan. 

Estimate the cost of hiring additional staff, advertising campaigns, and any other expenses required to make your plan come to life. When setting a budget, make sure you have room for unexpected costs that may arise during implementation. Additionally, it's important to identify potential sources of funding for your plan so you can maximize its success. 

Once you have your budget in place, you can track the progress of your marketing plan and adjust it as necessary. This allows you to make sure that all efforts are within the financial means of your organization. Additionally, setting a budget helps keep your team accountable and keeps them motivated to reach their goals.

9. Develop a Timeline for Implementation

Having a timeline is essential to maximize your marketing plan's effectiveness. Set clear deadlines and assign tasks to team members so everyone knows the expectations and when things need to be completed.

This is a great spot to add a marketing calendar. A marketing calendar will help you plan your tasks and ensure everything is completed on time. You can use a spreadsheet or template to develop your calendar and track the progress of all your promotional activities.

10. Review and Adjust as Needed

Review your plan's progress and tweak it as necessary to ensure that it's still meeting your goals. 

Stay flexible and adjust the plan if new trends or opportunities arise. Keep close track of your progress and be sure to recognize when your efforts result in success. Celebrate successes along the way so that everyone involved feels appreciated for their hard work.

Free Nonprofit Marketing Plan Templates

Writing a marketing plan for nonprofits can be an intimidating task. 

To make the process easier and more effective, many organizations look to free nonprofit marketing plan templates as guides. A marketing plan template provides a framework for creating tailored plans that outline goals, strategies, and tactics. They are great resources to help nonprofits create powerful and impactful plans to maximize their outreach and fundraising efforts. 

Basic Nonprofit Marketing Plan Template

The Basic Nonprofit Marketing Plan Template is a well-rounded framework for organizations to create their unique marketing plans. 

This nonprofit marketing plan example provides comprehensive guidance on developing goals, strategies, and tactics that support your nonprofit's mission.

  1. Organization Overview
    1. Mission Statement
    2. Key stakeholders
      1. Who is affected by this project? Generally donors, employers, customers, etc.
    3. Point of Contact for Leadership
      1. Program Director
      2. Marketing Team
      3. Design Team
      4. Volunteers (if applicable)
      5. Any additional necessary leadership
  2. Goals
    1. Organizational goal
      1. 3-5 concrete specific and measurable goals. Avoid vague language
    2. Communication goal
      1. What is the message you’re trying to communicate? How will that be achieved?
    3. Priority
      1. Rank these goals by their importance.
  3. Target Audience
    1. Current audience
      1. Who is your nonprofit currently reaching?
    2. Target audience
      1. Audience profile
        1. What are the demographics of the audience members you are trying to reach?
    3. Donor segments
      1. Who are the different donors you are trying to activate? Consider marketing differences between high-giving donors, repeat donors, one-time donors, etc.
  4. Strategy/Communication Plan
    1. Language/voice of organization
      1. Create a concise tone for your nonprofit’s voice.
    2. Primary call to action
      1. In a few short words, what do you want your audience to do with your message? I.e. Donate, Subscribe, etc.
    3. Branding
      1. Create cohesive marketing materials. I.e. Colors, font, logo, etc
    4. Reporting method (How the organization will measure Key Performance Indicators)
      1. Decide how the team will keep track of what is working and needs improvement.
    5. Marketing/content calendar
      1. Create a schedule of when communications should be drafted, approved, sent, and evaluated.

SMART Goals Nonprofit Marketing Template

This sample marketing plan for nonprofit organizations uses the SMART goals strategy. It is a great starting point for any organization looking to create an effective plan.

  1. Specific
    1. Use this template to create specific, measurable goals that are aligned with your organization's mission
    2. Questions to ask:
      1. Which team-members are involved in these goals?
      2. What does the organization hope to achieve?
      3. Why is this goal essential to the organization’s success?
  2. Measurable
    1. Outline tactics and strategies that you can track in order to measure success.
    2. Questions to ask:
      1. How will we actively measure success?
      2. What indicates that the goal has been accomplished?
      3. What are our Key Performance Indicators?
  3. Achievable
    1. Evaluation criteria needs to be established for each goal and strategy.
    2. Questions to ask:
      1. Is this goal reasonably achievable?
      2. Is the timeframe seen doable?
  4. Relevant
    1. Make sure the goals are achievable by reviewing similar efforts from other organizations.
    2. Questions to ask:
      1. How is this goal relevant to our mission statement?
      2. How will the completion of this goal relate to our organization’s success?
  5. Time
    1. Make sure to set deadlines for each goal and strategy in order to stay on track.
    2. Questions to ask
      1. What is the expected timeframe of this goal?
      2. How often should I check-in on the status of the goal’s progress?

One-Page Nonprofit Marketing Plan Template

The One-Page Nonprofit Marketing Plan Template is a concise planning document that takes you through creating an effective plan. This marketing plan template helps to keep your goals, strategies, and tactics organized on one page so that it is easy to review and adjust as needed.

To-Do Description
Summary of Organization Mission statement and other concise relevant information.
Objectives Define what the nonprofit hopes to accomplish
The Goals 2-3 specific and actionable goals
Proposed Solution Summarize how these goals will be accomplished
Target Audience Identify who you want to reach, establish an audience profile
Summarized Marketing Strategy Define what marketing tactics will be implemented
Key Performance Indicators Establish how progress will be measured and success defined
Required Resources Establish a budget

Action Plan:

To-Do Action
Call to Action Define what you want your audience to do
Tone Create a cohesive voice for your organization and brand
Communication Channels Decide where these messages will be communicated. I.e. website, social media, advertisements, etc.
Due Dates Create a marketing calendar to keep the project moving forward

Wrapping Up: The Next Steps

Use these templates as a guide to creating a comprehensive nonprofit marketing plan that outlines objectives and strategies in order to ensure success.

Once your nonprofit marketing plan is complete, the next step is to implement it. This includes delegating tasks and putting together a timeline for when each task needs to be completed. Using these tools, you can create an effective nonprofit marketing plan to help your organization reach its objectives and make a lasting impact.

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