10 Common Pitfalls in Navigating Invite-Only Funders for Nonprofits


Jessica Knapp


CEO, Communities In Schools Pennsylvania

Reviewed by:


February 1, 2024

Embarking on the exclusive journey of pursuing invite-only funder relationships can feel like stepping onto a tightrope—exhilarating, yet fraught with pitfalls. 

Nonprofits often find themselves teetering on the edge due to common missteps like misalignment with funder priorities, hasty proposal preparations, and careless oversight of reporting requirements. These invite-only funder mistakes can cost your organization big bucks in lost grant opportunities!

But fear not! In this article, we’re donning the safety harness to delve into these pitfalls and expose them so that you have all the information you need to navigate the invite-only funder landscape successfully.

Let’s go!

Overlooking Relationship Building

Pitfall #1: Don’t Let the Networking Bus Pass You By!

Neglecting to build and nurture relationships with potential invite-only funders is like missing out on a golden ticket to the funding factory.

Without these critical funder relationships, your nonprofit won’t be invited to apply and will continue to miss out on huge grant dollars.

Mitigation: Mix & Mingle!

Don’t worry! The secret weapon to bypass this pitfall is as simple as connecting with funders and embracing the power of networking,

Picture it as crafting your very own VIP pass that opens doors to elusive funding opportunities. 

It might feel overwhelming to approach a funder at first, but there are a lot of good tips and tricks that you can leverage to start building relationships with them, including: 

  • Doing your research on the funder beforehand
  • Preparing your elevator pitch
  • Inviting the funder to your events, to tour your building, or even for coffee! 
  • Sending them updates on your mission and impact

Never overlook the importance of cultivating these relationships!

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Lack of Alignment With Funders' Priorities

Pitfall #2: Lack of funding alignment

Funders, just like nonprofits, have their own missions that guide their decision-making. 

Failing to understand a funder's focus area could mean wasting your valuable time pursuing opportunities that don’t match up with your organization’s work. This misalignment with the funder’s priorities is one of the top reasons grant proposals are rejected. 

Mitigation: Do your research!

Worry not! The winning move here is all about research.

It’s important to conduct comprehensive prospect research to identify funders whose priorities align with your organization’s mission and programs. It’s like having a treasure map that guides you straight to funding gold.

One way to do this is by leveraging Instrumentl’s valuable funder insights, including Giving by NTEE Code. 

As you can see below, this feature will show you the top categories that a funder has awarded grants to year over year. This snapshot will help you quickly determine if your program or project falls within a category that the funder has previously supported. 

So, put on your research cap, sharpen those investigative skills, and navigate the maze of invite-only funders with confidence and precision!

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Inadequate Preparation for Proposals

Pitfall #3: Inadequate Preparation

Rushing through the proposal development process or submitting generic proposals is a surefire way to jeopardize your chances of success. 

Funders have to look through dozens—if not hundreds—of proposals and you don’t want yours to become lost in a sea of sameness, struggling to capture their attention. Yikes! 

Mitigation: Customize, Customize, Customize!

The solution to this pitfall is straightforward: embrace the power of customization. Take the time to tailor each and every proposal to the specific requirements and priorities of each funder. 

It isn’t about fitting into a mold; it’s about standing out and demonstrating alignment between your mission and the unique goals of the funding organization. 

So, slow down the pace and let the distinctiveness of your organization shine through! This is a sure-fire recipe for crafting a winning proposal.

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Insufficient Impact Measurement

Pitfall #4: Omitting Outcomes & Measurements

Imagine writing a novel without a plot, or giving a presentation without crucial details. A proposal without sufficient impact measurement is just like this! 

A lack of program evaluation methods in your proposal and grant reports is a huge pitfall to be aware of when it comes to securing funding from an invite-only funder.

Why? Funders value accountability and transparency—they want to know the intended impact of your project and how you plan to measure it. Most funders want to support initiatives that are going to affect positive change. If you can’t articulate how your project will do this, your chances of securing funding will suffer. 

Mitigation: Strong Measurement & Reporting Systems

The solution to this pitfall lies in the strength of measurement. 

Develop robust impact measurement and reporting systems that you can use to carefully evaluate the success of your initiatives. It isn’t about drowning in numbers, it’s about showcasing the tangible results that your valuable work achieves.

Here’s an example: the International Rescue Committee (IRC) releases an impact report every year so that stakeholders—including funders—can see the impact of their support. 

Ensure your impact story is comprehensive, compelling, and supported by metrics that speak even louder than words.

Lack of Financial Transparency

Pitfall #5: Messy Financials

Handling your organization’s finances without complete or consistent reporting is akin to navigating a ship without a compass. It risks eroding trust with funders, and raises concerns about your nonprofit’s financial stability. 

Mitigation: Clear, Transparent Financial Operations

The remedy for this invite-only funder mistake lies in the beacon of transparency. Uphold clear financial operations and adhere meticulously to all reporting and accountability requirements.

In short, strong financial management is a must when it comes to invite-only funders. Your nonprofit’s financial statements should be accurate, easy-to-read, and fully transparent. It’s about building trust through openness. 

Pro Tip: Instrumentl’s Award feature makes it easy to track your grant funding and develop financial reports with ease. 

Ignoring Reporting Requirements

Pitfall #6: Overlooking Reporting

Neglecting to submit required reports or updates can strain relationships with funders and jeopardize future funding opportunities. Missed deadlines can disrupt communication and raise concerns about your organization’s reliability.

But worry not!
Mitigation: Adhere to Reporting Requirements

Here’s the solution: ensure your organization meets all reporting deadlines and delivers accurate, comprehensive reports.

It can feel overwhelming keeping up with multiple grant and reporting deadlines. We suggest using a grants calendar to help keep yourself organized! Check out this great blog article on how to get started with a grant writing calendar. 

Be sure to guarantee that your reporting is punctual, precise, and paves the way for continued support and future funding success.

Focusing Solely on Invite-Only Funders

Pitfall #7: Putting All Your Funder Eggs in One Basket!

Solely depending on invite-only funders is like putting all your eggs in one basket—it leaves your organization vulnerable to changes in funding priorities or funding availability. 

Mitigation: Diversify!

Again, the solution to this pitfall is clearcut: maintain a diversified funding portfolio.

Don’t rely on a single source; instead, embrace a mix of foundation grants, corporate partnerships, individual donors, special events, and other revenue-generating fundraising activities. 

It’s about building a resilient financial foundation that shields your organization from unexpected shifts. Ensure your strategy is robust, adaptable, and capable of weathering unexpected changes in the funding landscape.

Inflexibility in Program Design

Pitfall #8: Lack of Flexibility

Here’s the deal: sticking firmly to your program design limits your opportunities.

Being unwilling to adapt can close doors to potential funders. But don’t worry! 

Mitigation: Be Willing to Adjust

The solution to this pitfall is straightforward: be open to adjustments in your program or project design. 

Embrace flexibility to better align with the interests and requirements of invite-only funders. It’s not about sacrificing your vision; it’s about optimizing your approach for success. 

Make sure your programs are dynamic, responsive, and ready to seize opportunities that align with the ever-changing landscape of funders' preferences.

Failure to Follow Up and Express Gratitude

Pitfall #9: Forgetting to Say “Thank You!”

Neglecting to show appreciation and provide updates to funders after receiving grants is a serious invite-only funder mistake! It can damage relationships and hinder future support. 

Mitigation: Practice Proper Donor Stewardship. 

Maintain ongoing communication with funders. Regularly share progress reports, express sincere gratitude for their support, and keep them in the loop about the positive outcomes their contributions have facilitated.

This isn’t just about fulfilling a requirement; it’s about nurturing a strong, trusting relationship that paves the way for further support. Effective funder communication is key to maintaining good funder relationships—and this includes always remembering to express gratitude.  

Be sure that your communication channels are always open, appreciative, and are conducive to fostering lasting partnerships.

Limited Long-Term Planning

Pitfall #10: Lack of Long-term Planning. 

Focusing solely on short-term funding goals without considering long-term sustainability can create challenges for your nonprofit's financial sustainability. In short: it’s a roadblock to success. 

Mitigation: Develop a Strategic Fundraising Plan.

This plan should encompass not only short-term objectives, but should also include strategies for long-term sustainability. It’s about ensuring your organization is well-prepared to face challenges and maintain financial health over time. 

Make sure your goals are well-balanced and address immediate needs. This will lay the groundwork for long-term financial sustainability, and will prove your worth to invite-only funders.

By recognizing these common pitfalls and taking proactive steps to address them, nonprofits can navigate the process of securing invite-only funding more effectively and build stronger relationships with funders.

Wrapping Up

In this article, we’ve explored the 10 most common pitfalls in navigating invite-only funder relationships.

These common invite-only funder mistakes, including misalignment with funder priorities, hurried proposals, and oversight of reporting requirements, can leave nonprofits on uncertain ground. Recognizing and addressing these pitfalls—and building out intentional solutions—can equip your organization to secure invite-only funding and foster robust relationships, yielding long-term, sustainable funding opportunities. 

Don’t forget to sign up for Instrumentl today for access to critical funder insights, grant tracking systems, and awards management!

Jessica Knapp

Jessica Knapp

Jessica Knapp is the State President and Chief Executive Officer of Communities In Schools Pennsylvania, the United States' largest dropout prevention organization. She has over 10 years of experience in nonprofit operations and leadership, program development, and fundraising/resource development.

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