The Importance and Benefits of Invite-Only Funders


Jessica Knapp


CEO, Communities In Schools Pennsylvania

Reviewed by:


January 31, 2024

When it comes to raising money for a nonprofit, invite-only funders hold the golden key to unparalleled opportunities.

However, many organizations overlook the importance and benefits of these relationships. 

In this article, we will unveil how invite-only funders can play a significant role in your organization’s funding strategy and its overall success. 

Ready? Let’s dive in!

What Is an Invite-Only Funder?

Let’s start with the basics. What, exactly, is an invitation-only funder? 

Invite-only funders are grant-makers who limit their applicant pool to only those who they have invited to apply for their grants.

Unlike traditional grant funders, invite-only funders do not accept unsolicited applications and do not have open grant cycles. 

For example, the Snider Foundation is an example of an invite-only funder. Their website clearly states that they are not able to consider any unsolicited grant applications. 

Ultimately, the only way to compete for this type of funding is to secure an invitation to submit a proposal. 

Don’t let this discourage you!

It may feel frustrating to stumble upon invite-only grant opportunities that you haven’t been invited to apply for. However, there are ways that you can begin to get noticed by these funders and increase the chances of securing an invitation. 

While this may seem like a lot of work, we can assure you that there will be a significant return on your investment. By catching the eye of invite-only funders, you will open the door to countless high-value opportunities for your nonprofit. 

Keep reading, and we will review some of the benefits to learning how to navigate these invite-only grant opportunities.

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Targeted Funding

If you’re a nonprofit grant professional, it’s safe to assume that you have spent countless hours conducting prospect research, only to come up with opportunity after opportunity that isn’t a good match. We get it! This is why it’s so important for your nonprofit to work on catching the eye of the invite-only funders in your community.

If a funder extends an invitation for your nonprofit to apply for an invite-only opportunity, it probably means that you are a good match. This also means that you have a higher chance of successfully securing the grant!

An invitation from an invite-only funder goes far beyond financial support. These funders hand pick organizations carefully, focusing on alignment with their mission and values. This targeted approach means that when a nonprofit gets an invitation it’s not just about money—it’s about shared goals and common objectives.

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Recognition and Validation

In the nonprofit landscape, an invitation to apply for funding acts as a nod of recognition and validation for your organization’s impactful work. 

An invitation is a clear sign that the funder recognizes the significant impact of your programs and the power of your mission.

This validation also extends to enhancing your nonprofit’s reputation within your community. Association with an invite-only funder often becomes a trust signal, fostering credibility that resonates among peers, partners, and the broader community. 

This type of recognition can position your nonprofit as a respected leader within your sector, and can signal to other invite-only funders that your work is worthy of their investment as well. 

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Access to Exclusive Opportunities

When your nonprofit captures the attention of invite-only funders, a world of exclusive opportunities unfolds. Invite-only funders offer access to unique and specialized grants, presenting opportunities that are not readily accessible through open calls for proposals.

The key benefit here is the opportunity to engage in specialized programs, collaborations, or research initiatives that align precisely with your nonprofit’s mission. These exclusive opportunities provide tailored avenues for nonprofits to grow and further their impact in exciting ways.

Reduced Competition

The allure of invite-only grants lies not just in their exclusivity, but in the reduced competition that they bring to the table.

Unlike open grant programs that attract dozens (even hundreds!) of applicants, invite-only grants narrow the field, offering the selected nonprofits a distinctive advantage.

The limited pool of potential recipients leads to increased chances of securing funding, particularly for organizations that align closely with the funder’s guidelines, mission and values. This reduced competition creates a valuable opportunity for nonprofits to stand out and showcase the unique impact of their work.

Long-Term Partnerships

A relationship with an invite-only funder can extend beyond a one-time grant award; it can pave the way for a long-term partnership. 

Invite-only funders are drawn to nonprofits that consistently align with their mission and deliver impactful results—when they find a good match, these funders often express a willingness to cultivate long-term collaborations.

Building long-term relationships with invite-only funders provides nonprofits with partners that are invested in the sustained success of their mission. As the funder becomes more familiar with your work, goals, and achievements, the potential for ongoing funding and support opens up.

Stable Funding Sources

If you’re a grant professional, you know that the grant landscape can be unpredictable. Developing relationships with invite-only funders can offer your organization a beacon of stability in an otherwise unstable world.

An ongoing relationship with invite-only funders who consistently extend invitations to apply provides a reliable foundation for financial stability.

We know that this financial stability can be a game-changer for nonprofits; it enables you to focus on your core mission without the constant uncertainty of funding fluctuations. With a steady source of support, organizations can implement long-term strategies, invest in impactful programs, and navigate whatever challenges the world throws their way (like a global pandemic!)

In short, collaboration with invite-only funders is a cornerstone for sustainable initiatives and big impact.

Capacity Building

Collaborating with invite-only funders can also open doors to rare capacity building opportunities. Unlike traditional funding avenues, invite-only funders often go the extra mile by offering invaluable assistance and capacity-building resources.  

The National Council of Nonprofits defines capacity building as: “whatever is needed to bring a nonprofit to the next level of operational, programmatic, financial, or organizational maturity, so it may more effectively and efficiently advance its mission into the future.” 

In practice, capacity building can look like a lot of different things, such as: 

  • Investments into current staff, such as better retirement plans, professional development, or more robust benefits.
  • Investments into the organization such as better fundraising tools, larger office space, or improved technology.

If you work in the nonprofit world, you can understand why opportunities for capacity building are akin to golden tickets. This type of support not only addresses immediate challenges but also provides funding solutions that take into consideration what the organization needs long-term in order to grow.

Strategic Alignment

Most nonprofits have a noble mission and bold goals to improve some sector of our society. But it’s nearly impossible to achieve these goals alone.

‍However, when a nonprofit teams up with an invite-only funder, these goals become a team effort. The funds invested by an invite-only funder aren’t random; they’re a targeted investment in a cause that both the funder and your nonprofit feel strongly about. These strategically aligned funds can then be leveraged to enact real change.

Efficiency in Grant Seeking

Nonprofits aiming to streamline their grant seeking efforts can find yet another strategic advantage in cultivating relationships with invite-only funders. By focusing on these exclusive opportunities, nonprofit organizations can significantly enhance their resource allocation and time management. 

Instead of wasting time investigating funders who aren’t a good fit, grant professionals can hone in on invite-only funders who are a natural fit. This targeted approach not only leads to increased efficiency, but also fosters a more purposeful grant-seeking strategy. 

Working with invite-only funders allows you to operate with laser-focused precision, ensuring that your grant-seeking efforts contribute directly to the advancement of your core mission and goals.

Wrapping Up: Be Proactive In Finding Invite-Only Funders

In the quest for nonprofit funding, embracing the unique opportunities presented by invite-only funders is a game-changer. These exclusive grants can unlock doors to targeted support, long-term partnerships, and increased recognition. 

Remember—invite-only funders are drawn to shared goals and mission alignment, and can provide a pathway to stable funding and invaluable capacity-building opportunities.

For more tips and strategies on winning grant funding for your organization, make sure to check out this comprehensive guide. 

Happy grant seeking!

Jessica Knapp

Jessica Knapp

Jessica Knapp is the State President and Chief Executive Officer of Communities In Schools Pennsylvania, the United States' largest dropout prevention organization. She has over 10 years of experience in nonprofit operations and leadership, program development, and fundraising/resource development.

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