Affinity groups are a great way for nonprofit professionals to assemble around a common interest or cause. They may be organized by a specific issue, function, or geographic focus.
Affinity groups give your nonprofit the opportunity to network with like-minded people and increase support for your community work.
Example of an Affinity Group: The global affinity group, International Funders for Indigenous Peoples, brings together organizations from all over the world who share a common goal of advocating for and funding Indigenous-led initiatives and organizations.
The organizations involved may be varied in their nature, makeup, and purpose. For example, their member highlights include the American Jewish World Service, the Disability Rights Fund, and the International Indigenous Women’s Forum. Yet, this group shares one purpose and impact, which is to do philanthropic work that focuses on Indigenous Peoples all over the world.
The impact of this partnership has been significant—affiliate partners have donated millions to indigenous peoples, advocated for their rights, and created funds to support indigenous groups in specific areas of the world.
What you can learn from this partnership: As you can see from the example above, the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples connected groups from all over the world who share the same goal of increasing awareness and money for indigenous peoples. Joining an affinity group can help you network with like-minded individuals, learn new things, and get connected to resources to help you achieve your organization’s goals.